Hardening Infrastructure Security Against SSO Identity Provider Compromise
Jul 11
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Teleport Enterprise Cloud

Introducing Teleport Cloud | Access Management SaaS | Servers - Clusters - Applications

Introducing Teleport Cloud | Access Management SaaS | Servers - Clusters - Applications

Length: 42:00

Teleport Enterprise Cloud is a managed service to provide access to secure infrastructure all over the world without passwords or shared secrets.

When you sign up for a Teleport Enterprise Cloud account, you will receive a subdomain of teleport.sh that is dedicated to your tenant and points to the Teleport Proxy Service.

Our Teleport Enterprise Cloud team handles the following tasks for you:

  • Auth and Proxy Service upgrades, security patches, scaling, monitoring, maintenance, and network configuration
  • Auth Service backend management
  • Backup and restore of cluster data
  • Storage of audit logs and session recordings
  • DNS record management

A Teleport Enterprise Cloud account takes minutes to set up. After that, you can define roles, register SSO providers, and start connecting all of your infrastructure, including servers, databases, Kubernetes clusters, applications, Windows desktops, and service accounts.

Next steps

Learn more

  • Architecture: Learn more about how Teleport Enterprise Cloud works
  • FAQ: Get answers to frequently asked questions about Teleport Enterprise Cloud